Friday, April 27, 2012

Becoming A Military Wife

So, this is my very first blog post. I figured I would share the story of how I came to be an Army wife. Everyone has a story, right? So, here's the romance:

I met my husband when I was 17 years old, the year 2007. I was a senior in high school, so of course I was looking for any & every chance to have some fun. One of my close friends & I had a mutual friend (more or less an acquaintance to me, really) who played drums in a "band". He had been talking & talking about this band for a while, so finally my friend & I decided we'd go see what it was all about.

We arrived at, what I guess you would call, a manor/plantation in the backwoods county of Halifax. It was an old, massive white home that was completely lit up inside and out. There were people all around, not a huge crowd mind you, and we were so excited to be doing something on a school night. (It was a Thursday if memory serves me correctly.)

I remember the very first smell that hit me was the alcohol. It was so pungent, and I was instantly excited because, when people have a little too much alcohol in their systems, it can make for an interesting night; I had never been around "drunk" people before, but I had heard some were quite hilarious.

Our mutual friend noticed our arrival and came over to greet us. We said our hellos, then he went on his way. Within a few minutes, the band was on stage after taking a break. Instantly my eyes were drawn to the lead vocalist. All I could think was, "Oh my word, he is so HOT!" (I was a teenager remember..LOL) The vocalist openend his mouth and began to sing, and I was instantly hooked. Such a beautiful voice he had. I focused on him the next few songs, but then I let my infatuation fade as the thought that he won't ever notice me took over my mind.

"Oh, well," I thought, "he was nice to look at at least." Shortly after that thought processed, our mutual friend came over with the rest of the "band". Guess who I was really excited to meet? Yep, you guessed it, the vocalist. Once again, however, I thought it would just be another person I met, not having any significant impact on my life. Boy, was I wrong.

My friend and I stayed for a few more songs before heading home. A couple weeks went by, really without me even thinking about him. I was focused on a lot of other stuff, and I currently had a boyfriend. So, there wasn't much room for "the other guy" in my head anyway. I know what you're thinking; "Oh my goodness, she had a boyfriend and was going to cheat on him if the opportunity had presented itself". No, you're wrong. It wasn't like that at all. Ever heard the expression, "Just because I'm on a diet doesn't mean I can't look at the menu"? I think we're all guilty of that. Moving on..

Another week or two went by before my friend asked if I wanted to go see the band perform again, and what do you know, I was up for it. So we went, we saw, and we heard. Once again, there was the all-too-good-looking lead vocalist just standing up there on stage, his voice beckoning me to look at him. And, trust me, I was. My eyes were locked on him.

The gig ended, and we were all packed up when our mutual friend came over with the vocalist. We were re-introduced, talked for a while, then we left. Not giving the singer much more thought (as my friend and I decided we probably wouldn't go see them again due to certain douche-baggery circumstances), I went to bed that night, and woke up the next morning to go through my daily routine. I returned home from school that afternoon and checked my MySpace account (when that was the social network of choice), only to find a little surprise waiting for me in my Inbox.

"OMG! He messaged me! The hot singer messaged ME! He noticed me..holy cow." It seemed so fake, but I just HAD to open the message anyway..IMMEDIATELY! So, I did.

That one message started it all. I broke up with my boyfriend and started hanging out with the vocalist. Yes, he has a name. His name is Jonathan. During the next few weeks, I got to know the guy I once only knew as "the vocalist".

I know what you're thinking; "The end. Happily ever after." Nope. Not so fast.

God must've had a different path he wanted Jonathan and I to take at that time, and looking back I can see why. We weren't ready for each other I don't think. Due to circumstances, Jonathan and I went our separate ways, not entirely mutual on my end, but we won't go there. So, I went on with my life and he with his.

I started my first year of college. It should have been one of the happiest years of my life, but something was just missing. I couldn't get Jonathan out of my head. There was just something about him that wouldn't let me let go. So I pursued him, like any normal teenage girl LOL. He was dating someone else of course, and he seemed so "in love". So, of course, that threw me a little curve ball. But, I tried anyway. We were in contact for a few weeks, then we dropped communication again.

I finally decided to let go. I figured I had given it my all and put in my part of the effort, so I was done. I started dating again. I was happy..happily happy, if you know what I mean.

Then, out of the blue, who do you think messaged me on Facebook? Yep, THAT guy. I told him off, too. Let me tell ya. I couldn't figure out why, now, he all of a sudden wanted something with me. I knew that he and his girlfriend had broken up, but I assumed they would get right back together..only because he seemed to really care for her.

But maybe I was wrong. Even after I told him off, he wouldn't let go of me. I finally decided to give him another chance, even if it was against my better judgment. I guess you could say I had really been hurt by him. He kind of strung me on in the past. So, I was very uneasy about seeing him again. So much so that I got my mother, yes, my MOTHER, involved. I had her go with me to meet him for dinner. I figured I at least owed him the chance to explain everything to me. And he did.

It took a little convincing, but I really believed him. The rest is history.

Jonathan and I began dating in June 2009 and have been together ever since. We were married May 28, 2011. He enlisted in the Army just a few weeks prior to us dating, so I knew I would eventually be very familiar with the military lifestyle, even if I didn't want to be.

So there ya go, that's my story. I am Morgan Simmons, a proud wife to an Infantryman in the US Army.